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Floor Polisher C25PH


 The Polivac C25PH foor Polisher has been long recognised as the industry workhorse with exceptional reliability.

It offers fast and effective cleaning for vinyl, terrazzo, marble, and timber floors. Ideal for cleaning in hospitals, schools, hotels and basketball courts.

Hire Time Price
4 Hour Hire $80.00
1 Day Hire $110.00
2 Day Hire $220.00
3 Day Hire $330.00
4 Day Hire $380.00
5 Day Hire $430.00
6 Day Hire $480.00
7 Day Hire $530.00
Weekly Hire $530.00
Monthly Hire POA
Weekend $110.00


Product Range
Prep Path 400mm
Variable Speed
Power Type
Planetary Type
Machine Style
Number of Discs
HVA Meter No
Tool Diameter
Head RPM 392rpm
Amps 8A
HP 1.88hp
Watts 1.4kw
Length 1000mm
Width 484mm
Height 1000mm
Total Weight 41kg
Machine Weights N/A
Max Head Pressure 39kg
Noise Rating 75-85dB(A)